I needed to use the functionality of a method in an outside python script that I could look at, but not alter at all. This method used a GUI to gather some information before acting on it. The code I was writing was meant to run without any user interaction, so I needed to override the GUI and gather the needed variables automatically.
Let’s say the original method was called gatherNewLensFiles. In my own script, I copied it in and made the necessary changes in my function, and then renamed it autoGatherNewLensFiles.
In theirScript.py
class LensChanger:
def gatherNewLensFiles(self):
their stuff
their stuff
their stuff
return value
In myScript.py
import LensChanger
def autoGatherNewLensFiles(self):
my stuff
my stuff
their relevant stuff
return value
To override the original method with my function:
#create an instance of the class
changer = LensChanger()
#replace gatherNewLensFiles with autoGatherNewLensFiles for this object only!
changer.gatherNewLensFile = autoGatherNewLensFile.__get__(changer, LensChanger)
#call the overriding method
This is the explicit way, which I use here for my own understanding. You could also use the more familiar . operator to bind the class method. For a much more thorough discussion, check out Stack Overflow here: